WellBeing: Therapeutic Massage * Healing Touch * HeartMath
Patsy Martinson, LMT, CHTP, ACMT, HCM


Welcome to WellBeing: Therapeutic Massage * Healing Touch * HeartMath® Mentoring

My passion is to provide therapeutic massage and bodywork services and HeartMath® Mentoring to interested clients - all ages and conditions.  All of us  benefit from kind attention to the holistic union of our bodies, minds, emotions, and spirits.

My foundational training was in Esalen-Swedish massage therapy which is characterized by flowing strokes, kneading and lifting muscle tissues, and joint movements. 

With 25+ years of experience, my skills have deepened and expanded through extensive training in deep tissue massage, Healing Touch biofield therapy, and other techniques. I often combine therapeutic massage and Healing Touch techniques.

I offer customized HeartMath® Certified Mentoring to individuals and small groups up to ten, both in person and by phone.

I take a holistic and clinical approach to each client, based on health intakes; specific goals; a broad knowledge of pathology; and attention to the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Each session is designed with the client's unique presentation.

My communication skills are excellent.

My intention is to serve the greatest good of each client.


Patsy Martinson, LMT, CHTP, ACMT, HCM

  • Licensed Massage Therapist
  • Certified Healing Touch Practitioner
  • Certified Level ABMP Certified Massage Therapist

HeartMath® Certified Mentor

HeartMath Resilient Educator (www.heartmathinstitute.org)

Massage Therapy Educator


HeartMath is a registered trademark of Quantum Intech, Inc. For all other HeartMath trademarks, go to www.heartmath.com/trademarks.


Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
© Copyright 2025  WellBeing: Therapeutic Massage * Healing Touch * HeartMath .  All rights reserved.