WellBeing: Therapeutic Massage * Healing Touch * HeartMath
Patsy Martinson, LMT, CHTP, ACMT, HCM

Silk Scarves


The Salt Crystal Technique

The scarves are hand-dyed with high quality fade-resistant French dyes and when still wet, treated with the salt crystal technique.  Salt attracts and absorbs moisture, creating beautiful flowing patterns and swirls and concentrations of color on the very wet ground of the base silk. When the dye has dried, the next steps are steaming to set the color, hand stitching to size the scarf, and then twisting while wet to provide the texture and loft to the finished scarf.  Once it is dry, the scarf is ready to wear. Use your imagination!

100% pure silk Habotai (China silk). Silk is warm in the winter and provides light comfort in cool summer nights.  The colors are brilliant.

The scarves are available in a rainbow of colors and can be custom ordered.  Handwashable.  The price is $66.00.

These scarves are available for purchase through the contact information on this website and at:

The Perfect Edge                                                        The Black Crow Gallery

118 Washington Street                                               110 Coffee St E

Decorah, Iowa                                                             Lanesboro, MN

563-382-2567                                                               563-419-0727




Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
© Copyright 2025  WellBeing: Therapeutic Massage * Healing Touch * HeartMath .  All rights reserved.